Moderna Admits mRNA Jabs Cause Turbo-Cancer

Moderna Admits mRNA Jabs Cause Turbo-Cancer

Dr. Robert Malone made an appearance this week at an “Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines” hearing led by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, where he revealed how Moderna’s own patent proves that its mRNA jab vials contain billions of DNA fragments and other...
Protect/Detox from Covid and the Vax

Protect/Detox from Covid and the Vax

Disclaimer: Warning! We are not doctors, lawyers, physicists, oceanographers, or dog trainers. Follow the ideas mentioned here and in the following links only after doing your own research and talking to a trusted medical professional. – Science-based support...
Deaths in European Children up 755%

Deaths in European Children up 755%

Original article: Official mortality figures collated by the European Mortality Monitoring Project using data provided by 29 European countries reveal that ever since the EMA first...