During the 2020 shutdowns when parents were not able to bring their infants into the pediatrician’s office for their shots. . . infant mortality dropped by 30%. Then data out of Florida, after COVID-19 exposed the total incompetency of the CDC and FDA, vaccine hesitancy for all vaccines rose 14% and consequently, infant mortality dropped by 9%. We now see a link that at least 1/2 of all infant deaths are related to vaccinations.

Millions around the world have been silenced, gaslighted, ridiculed, cast out, and defamed for simply trying to share their story. The world is told to hate them . . . to criticize them . . . to ignore and censor them. Somehow we have been led to believe they are dangerous to society and even domestic terrorists. People should be able to share their personal tragedies and heartaches and receive kindness, support, and understanding in return. But sadly in this day an age, these stories are not allowed to be told. They are not allowed to be shared.

Source: HealthFreedomUnmuzzled on Rumble.