Protect/Detox from Covid and the Vax

Protect/Detox from Covid and the Vax

Disclaimer: Warning! We are not doctors, lawyers, physicists, oceanographers, or dog trainers. Follow the ideas mentioned here and in the following links only after doing your own research and talking to a trusted medical professional. – Science-based support...
Follow the Vaccine Money and Pfizer

Follow the Vaccine Money and Pfizer

The video: If money is a corrupting influence in all other sectors, why do we ignore it with Big Pharma all the sudden? What happed to the skeptics? Find The Hourly Struggle on: Twitter: Facebook:...
Spike Protein Very Dangerous – Cytotoxic

Spike Protein Very Dangerous – Cytotoxic

The video: Spike protein is very dangerous; cytotoxic. Clip from DarkHorse podcast. Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA Vaccine technology. Mr. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has been researching adverse reactions to COVID vaccines. Bret talks to...
mRNA Vaccine Spike Protein Problems

mRNA Vaccine Spike Protein Problems

The video: In this video I discuss problems associated with the SARS-COV-2 spike protein. The mRNA vaccines deliver mRNA (instructions) that direct your cells to produce spike proteins. The spike proteins then cause your immune system to create antibodies that in turn...
REAL Top 3 Causes of Death in 2020

REAL Top 3 Causes of Death in 2020

The video: See on New reports about what claimed the most lives in 2020 might surprise you, in this video we discuss the details. Short answer: 1/5 of Americans are obese!  Credit: Shawn Stevenson came up with ‘The Vid’. Links to per capita...